Friday, October 10, 2008


This was easy to find. What I can't find is Obama supporters being as stupid. I'm sure they are out there. Can someone please send me a clip of Obama supporters acting as dumb as these McCain supporters are? If you do I will update this profile with the link.


Pam said...

I like the guy that doesn't even know how to pronounce Barack Obama's name...Barama! Classic!

Firebird said...

There you go again, picking on the "Older White Guy".

I guess then you feel all 'Barama'(sic)
supporters are the salt of the earth?

CNN repeats smear of Obama supporters as "creepy" and "cult-like"
Summary: CNN's Carol Costello said that audience response at a Barack Obama rally is "a scene some increasingly find not inspirational, but 'creepy,' " quoting columnists who have likened Obama supporters to members of a cult or described their enthusiasm as "creepy." On-screen text during Costello's report read: "OBAMA-MANIA BACKLASH" and "PASSION 'CULT-LIKE' TO SOME." Washington Post columnist Charles Krauthammer similarly cited other writers to make the same assertion: "ABC's Jake Tapper notes the 'Helter-Skelter cult-ish qualities' of 'Obama worshipers,' what Joel Stein of the Los Angeles Times calls 'the Cult of Obama.' "

Obama Supporters Take His Name as Their Own

Swooning supporters
fainting for Obama
Candidate prepared with water bottle,
call for EMTs – fakery or fanaticism?