Ask and you shall receive. I knew there had to be idiots on both sides of the fence. Here's the evidence.
A few 'bias' comments: (at least some will think anyway)
1. Mostly boos and middle fingers. One person did say something about Nazi's, but at least every other word wasn't something about people being 'gay' or 'commie f*gg*ts' etc.
2. At least no random chants of U-S-A or horrible renditions of "God Bless America" as if they were at a wrestling event where Nikoli Volkov and Hacksaw Jim Duggan are facing off during the Cold War...
3. When you decide to do a march in a highly 'liberal' populated area, don't cry about the fact that people are going to heckle you. The other video's didn't call foul because they were being heckled at a convention from the opposition.
4. The text and 'patriot' music is a little dramatic. It seems that in order to be a 'patriot' you have to support McCain. Another example of saying if you don't vote Republican, you don't deserve to live the great U-S-of-A...
interview with cnn & maddy’s first race.
10 years ago
Your 'bias' (you said it, not me) suggests all Republican's/McCain supporters are gay hating, foul mouth, backward speaking, unintelligent,belligerent buffoon's. Maybe so, but reading your 'Blog' makes me think you feel Obama/Liberals are the coming of the 'Messiah' and will cure all the worlds problems. We shall see!
What's next, 'Obama' posters on the front lawn? (;-)!
Oh trust me, I do not think he is "The One" or anything. Far from it. He is the lesser of two evils in my mind. As I've said before, I think all politicians are crooks anyway.
His policies just reflect closer to my own.
I actually wish McCain had beat Bush in the primaries back in 2000 because I think I would have been more apt to get on board with him back then.
Also, like I said before. I can't wait until November 5th so I can just stop hearing about all this nonsense and write about things that actually interest me.
I will admit I got caught up in the political race. Looking back I wish I hadn't, but I felt I needed to be well informed...Ahh well...
if the baby comes will all of this stop?
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