Thursday, October 9, 2008

Is it Bad That This Makes Me Teary-Eyed?

With the boredom that is work I have been reading past blogs of my dear friend in Ireland when I came across the lyrics to this song. I had to immediately go find it on YouTube...

It never fails...*sniff*

I proclaim this to be Liz and Simon's wedding song. And it has to be this version, preferably with video splashed up in the background as you dance...Make it happen...


Liz said...

I'll see what I can do, but I'm pretty sure we already have our wedding song picked out.

Nik said...

Well at least do a duet with me! You can sing your verses to Simon and I can sing mine to Pam!

We will be a hit...then we'll take it on the road and tour the WORLD...